The elements of approaching operational resilience
Financial resilience
People resilience
Structural resilience
Regulatory resilience
Systems resilience
30 June 2023
First detailed report on PAI to be published, covering a reference period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022
1 January 2023
The Complementary Delegated Act under the Taxonomy Regulation becomes applicable
RTS under the SFDR apply
2011 - 2018
2019 - 2020
+44 20 7466 6314
Jannis bille
+44 20 7466 7494
+34 91 423 4088
+44 20 7466 6446
+44 20 7466 2077
+44 207 466 2075
Rebecca Perlman
+61 2 9225 5794
Timothy Stutt
+44 20 7466 2612
Antony Crockett
Silke Goldberg
Q1 2023
Expected publication of EU Taxonomy delegated act covering the second technical screening criteria for remaining environmental objectives under Taxonomy Regulation namely, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems
EU Ecolabel framework for retail financial products to be adopted
During 2023
ISSB expected to issue new IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
5 January 2023
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive entered into force
28 February 2022
Platform on Sustainable Finance publishes its Final Report on Social Taxonomy
23 February 2022
EU Commission adopts a proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence
EU Commission publishes Taxonomy Complementary Climate Delegated Act to include gas and nuclear
1 January 2022
Further set of disclosures under the Disclosure Regulation to apply: Periodic disclosures in relation to on the promotion of environmental or social characteristics and of sustainable investments to be compliant with the Disclosure Regulation
2021 - 2023
2 March 2022
EBA publishes report on developing a framework for sustainable securitisation
30 March 2022
EU Commission publishes European Green Deal proposals to make sustainable products the norm in the EU
6 April 2022
EU Commission adopts the Regulatory Technical Standards for the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
UK Companies (Strategic Report) (Climate-related Financial Disclosure) Regulations 2022 and the UK Limited Liability Partnerships (Climate-related Financial Disclosure) Regulations 2022 adopted
2 May 2022
ESAs publish consultation on sustainability disclosures for simple, transparent and standardised securitisations
16 May 2022
European Parliament issues final report on the proposal for a regulation on European green bonds
2 August 2022
New rules on sustainability preferences of customers under the second EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and the EU Insurance Distribution Directive become applicable
2 June 2022
Q4 2022
28 november 2022
Adoption by the European Council by of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
Expected adoption of EU Ecolabel Framework for retail financing products
EU Commission due to publish delegated act covering the second technical screening criteria for remaining environmental objectives under Taxonomy Regulation. Namely sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems
22 November 2022
MiFid II product governance (target market) becomes applicable
30 December 2022
Product-level disclosures on principal adverse impacts under Article 7(1) Disclosure Regulation to apply
End of 2022
First half of 2021
EU Commission to publish its Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy
1 January 2021
EU Conflict Minerals Regulation becomes applicable
6 JULY 2021
EU Commission adopted the delegated act supplementing Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation
Q4 2021
31 December 2021
EU Commission due to adopt the second technical screening criteria for remaining environmental objectives under Taxonomy Regulation namely, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.
first half of 2021
EU Commission due to adopt the first technical screening criteria on climate change mitigation and adaptation under EU Taxonomy
4 February 2021
Final report of EU Supervisory Authorities issued containing draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the content, methodologies and presentation of disclosures under the Disclosure Regulation
10 March 2021
First set of disclosures under the Disclosure Regulation apply: sustainability risks to be integrated, website disclosures to be provided and pre-contractual disclosures to be updated
Second technical screening criteria for remaining environmental objectives under Taxonomy Regulation namely, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems to become applicable.
13 November 2021
COP26 reaches consensus on key actions to address climate change
3 November 2021
FCA publishes its discussion paper on Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment labels and FCA’s ESG strategy
21 April 2021
EU Commission has published six amending Delegated Acts to ensure that financial firms, such as advisers, asset managers or insurers, include sustainability in their procedures and their investment advice to clients
30 JUNE 2021
Adoption of the European Climate Law
EU Commission has adopted the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act, containing the technical screening criteria under the Taxonomy Regulation for economic activities that can make a substantial contribution to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation
24 March 2021
BEIS opens consultation on proposals to mandate climate-related financial disclosures by publicly quoted companies, large private companies and Limited Liability Partnerships in the UK
EU Commission has published a proposal for a Regulation on a voluntary European Green Bond Standard
EU Commission has published a proposal for a new sustainable finance strategy
14 JULY 2021
EU Commission publishes the "Fit for 55" package
17 November 2021
EU Commission adopts new proposals to stop deforestation, innovate sustainable waste management and make soils healthy for people, nature and climate
25 November 2021
EU Commission publishes a draft Regulation to set up a European single access point (ESAP) providing centralised access to publicly available information relating to financial services, capital markets and sustainability
15 december 2021
EU Commission present a proposal to regulate methane emissions reductions in the energy sector
5 December 2014
Non-Financial Reporting Directive comes into force
31 March 2016
UK Modern Slavery Act reporting obligation comes into force for financial years 31 March 2016 onwards
8 June 2017
EU Conflict Minerals Regulation comes into force
9 June 2017
Shareholder Rights Directive II comes into force
15 June 2017
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures publishes final report setting out recommendations for helping businesses disclose climate-related financial information
16 June 2011
4 November 2016
UN Paris Agreement comes into force
27 March 2017
French Law on the Corporate Duty of Vigilance (Devoir de Vigilance law) comes into force
8 March 2018
EU Action plan on sustainable finance is released
30 April 2019
ESMA published final reports on amendments to the MiFID II, AIFMD and UCITS regimes, in order to integrate ESG considerations into firms’ policies and procedures
December 2019
EU Commission launches an initiative for the "Revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive"
29 December 2019
Disclosure Regulation comes into force
9 March 2020
Proposal for an EU Green Bond Standard
20 April 2020
EU Commission announces plans to develop a Proposal for an EU-wide mandatory human rights due diligence law, to apply to European companies by 2021
1 January 2019
Australian federal Modern Slavery Act reporting obligation comes into force for financial years ending on or after 1 January 2019
10 December 2019
Amendments to the EU Benchmark Regulation come into force (applicable from 30 April 2020)
11 December 2019
Presentation of the EU Green Deal
29 November 2020
Switzerland votes to adopt ESG reporting and due diligence law
26 October 2020
EU Commission launches a consultation on sustainable corporate governance
1 September 2020
Consultations on proposed amendments to MiFID II, the AIFMs Directive and the UCITS Directive in order to increase transparency and clarify disclosure and fiduciary duties with respect to ESG issues
17 July 2020
The European Commission published three delegated acts supplementing the requirements under the amended Benchmark Regulation
25 August 2020
UK announces that it will introduce deforestation due diligence law
12 July 2020
Taxonomy Regulation comes into force
8 June 2020
Draft delegated regulations published on amendments to the MiFID II, AIFMD and UCITS regimes, in order to integrate ESG considerations into firms’ policies and procedures
23 April 2020
The ESAs publish consultation paper setting out the proposed RTS on content, methodologies and presentation of disclosures under the Disclosure Regulation.
21 December 2020
The FCA amends Listing Rule 9.8.6 to introduce requirement that annual financial reports of listed companies incorporated in the UK state whether they have complied with the TCFD Recommendations
IFRS Foundation launches a consultation to develop a set of Sustainability Reporting Standards
23 December 2020
Delegated regulations under the amended Benchmark Regulation comes into force